
Thank you for visiting the Life at Ravenheart Blog. Ravenheart Farms is located near Kamsack, Saskatchewan, Canada (about 4 hours from Saskatoon, 3 hours from Regina, and less than an our from the growing city of Yorkton, SK).

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sacred Journey with Denise Linn - Soul Coaching

Today I am beginning a 28 day Sacred Journey, accompanied by my friend Lynne. We are participating with Denise Linn and her Soul Coaching program. It is a free on-line fabulous program, so I invite you to visit her website, and consider joining us on this journey of self-discovery, spirit and creativity. http://www.deniselinn.com/index.htm

Here is my answer to one of the questions today: What do I want to do with the remainder of my life? Share it with my life partner. Create a Supportive Community here at Ravenheart Farms - a Teaching/Learning Community - an organic farm - supplying all the staples we need and enough to share. A safe and nurturing place for domestic, companion and wild animals. A place of Light and Healing and Growth. A place of Peace, Spirit and Creativity. A place of lively activity and quiet stillness, abundance, music and spiritual awakening. A safe haven. A power place - vibrant, energetic, healthy, peaceful, joyful, safe, beautiful and abundant.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Vision for Ravenheart

"Last night I was immersed in the energy of envisioning all that Ravenheart Farms can bring forth as a place of peace, connection to nature, the loving and healing company of animals, spiritual awakening and personal growth.

I believe in the statement "if you build it, they will come". I also believe that "if you dream it, you can do it" and I know that if I dream it, others do too, and believe that they will want to join in building it.

I invite all of you who reads this to share this vision for all that Ravenheart can provide you, your friends or anyone who you believe may benefit from spending some peaceful, quiet and reflective time at Ravenheart Farms. My bigger vision is to create a nature and sprititual sanctuary that will nurture the goodness of spirit, the beauty of nature and the divine connection that we share for the Highest Good of All.

A beautiful big old barn stands on the property.It needs lots of care and attention to restore it to its original magnificence. I can picture it fully restored, with the lower part beautifully designed to provide the best of care for the horses and Equine Assisted Learning and Growth, beautiful stalls, a feed room, equipment room, a warm and cozy place for the barn cats, bathroom facilities, and everything that will enhance the needs of the horses and people.

In the large upper loft, I envision a place where people can come to renew their spirits. A large community kitchen, an open area for drumming, workshops, circle, sacred ceremony, celebration, with the outer perimeter lined with cozy, simply furnished 10 x 10 rooms (with a design in the look of a horse stall), single beds or bunk beds, colourful handmade quilts, a desk, chair and lamp for writing and journalling, and overall a safe place for people to connect to their spirit, safety and healing.

The horses will not live in the barn, but a couple of lovely stalls will be available in case a horse is injured or sick. Horses are happiest and healthiest living outside, provided with good grazing and quality hay.

I have built fences, a round pen, furnished 4 guest rooms with cozy furniture and bedding, started the barn restoration, planted trees, created nature trails, held a couple of workshops including a most beautiful Primal Fire Retreat with Patrick Harbula (Living Purpose Institute and author of Magic Of The Soul) and Sweat Lodge Ceremony, and have welcomed many friends and family to enjoy this little prairie retreat.

There are many opportunities for creative projects. I invite artists, writers, healers, visionaries, sculptors, engineers, carpenters, organic gardeners, healers, mystics, seekers, teachers, and anyone who would like to participate in creating and building this vision. In return, I will provide room and board, access to a library filled with inspirational books and audio, organic food, the company of sweet and kind companion animals, friendship and lots of opportunity for meditation, quiet reflection, nature walks, and a listening ear.

Thank you for listening and holding this vision for Ravenheart Farms."

In Love and Light,